Photo of map with colorful pins marking Southeast Asia countries.

出国留学 Information for Faculty

在2024-2025学年,教师主导的项目的提案请求是活跃的, and the proposal form is available for download here Faculty-Led-建议-Form-2024-2025-Final. Faculty who are interested in taking students abroad in January 2025, 2025年春季, or Summer 2025 should submit with a chair’s signature 截止日期为2月11日. 15th, 2024. 建议s should be submitted via email to Dr.Katia Paz Goldfarb and Tim White. Going through our process ensures that our students, 教师, and staff traveling abroad will be informed and safe, while also protecting the 大学 and its employees from exposure to liability.

All proposals should be written by the proposed lead instructor, and will need review and signature by department chair. 欢迎有兴趣了解这些项目如何运作的教师下载并浏览幻灯片(教师主导的研讨会幻灯片)从车间举行 结婚. 2024年1月24日


Schedule a 出国留学 presentation in your classroom or club. 十大博彩推荐排名的项目助理入境交流和校园参与,布鲁克·克林格 for a presentation that works best for your classroom.

国际学术倡议团队拥有一个活跃的海外留学归国学生网络,他们自愿成为海外留学同伴顾问(SAPA)。, available to make classroom presentations, 在集市上摆桌子, 与有意出国留学的学生一对一交谈,并出席俱乐部和学习社区. 留学工作人员也可以根据要求向教师做报告, 部门, 办公室与学生.

留学同行顾问或工作人员将向您的学生介绍开放的机会. Request a presentation or meeting today by emailing

Faculty in different parts of the world

了解在你感兴趣的学术或区域领域的学生出国留学的机会. 国际学术倡议办公室为全球50多个国家的学生提供课程, in nearly every academic discipline. 鼓励你的学生参加各种各样的项目,比如学期交换项目, affiliated programs or 教师-led programs. 你可以帮助他们按学科或按学期搜索可用的课程 探索节目 页面.

为了更好地建议学生, 我们欢迎您熟悉哪些是可用的,哪些机会可以补充您的项目. For more information about how study abroad works, 请浏览我们的网页或与我们的主任会面,回答您关于出国留学的所有问题.

Work at Another Institution process:

学生在国外学习的课程需要获得批准, through the Registrar’s Work at Another Institution process. 每个专业的系主任将在学生选择他们打算在国外学习的课程后,批准出国留学课程作为十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的等效课程. (Example: Student seeking to satisfy their History gen ed. 将由历史系主任审查他们的课程)IAI团队将促进这一点, 将在国外修读的课程及建议的同等课程送交有关系主任, but our office never approves any equivalencies. Only the academic department chair can do this, 确定留学课程是否符合十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程. Students are responsible for providing course titles, 课程描述, and sometimes syllabi of the courses they will take abroad so Dept. Chairs can make informed decisions.


学生可以通过在线留学申请申请推荐信. If you are selected by a student to provide a reference, 您将收到一封电子邮件,说明如何使用您的NEST凭据登录以完成推荐.


Students may earn transfer credit upon completion of their study abroad program. Once the international transcript has been received, 国际学术活动办公室将处理学分并发送给注册官.

Credit can only be earned if a student receives a C- or higher in their classes. 学生的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学成绩单上只有课程名称和获得的学分.  通过交换项目在国外获得的成绩不会出现在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的成绩单上,也不会影响十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的GPA.

Lead a Short-Term 出国留学 Program

国际学术倡议办公室(IAI)致力于通过各种类型和长度的海外学习项目促进十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学生的国际教育和全球公民意识. 教师主导的短期海外学习项目为学生和教师提供了一个独特的体验,通过比较调查和在国际环境中建立经验视角来探索一个主题或问题.



Faculty-Led Call for 建议 Form 2023-2024 (Doc)


建议s must have support from academic chairs and deans, whose approval is required to develop and execute a program. When reviewing proposals, chairs and deans may refer to the following guidelines:

Guidelines-for-Deans-and-Chairs (PDF)

All programs must be approved by the Office of International Academic Initiatives.


To allow sufficient time for all necessary steps (administrative approvals, 合同, program descriptions and publicity materials, 旅游服务合同, 招生, 学生申请处理和项目费用支付及课程注册)应由教师负责 至少预留一年时间 for the development and implementation of a 教师-led study abroad program.



Timetable for 2023-2024 Faculty-Led项目

冬天的程序: 建议 2月15日截止
来自IAI的反馈 3月1日
接触时间 & 教员协议到期 3月15日
程序设计与IAI 4月/ 5月
节目由IAI出版 6月
学生申请截止日期 8月1日
建议 2月15日截止
来自IAI的反馈 3月1日
接触时间 & 教员协议到期 3月15日
程序设计与IAI 4月/ 5月
节目由IAI出版 8月
学生申请截止日期 10月1日
建议 2月15日截止
来自IAI的反馈 3月1日
接触时间 & 教员协议到期 3月15日
程序设计与IAI 4月/ 5月
节目由IAI出版 9月
学生申请截止日期 1月30日


国际学术倡议在秋季和春季学期举办教师研讨会,以提供教师主导的项目开发的概述. 此外,学院和院系可能会要求IAI为他们的教师举办研讨会. Please check back for upcoming workshops.

If you are unable to attend a workshop please contact us at to schedule an individual meeting.

Workshop on Faculty-Led项目: Jan. 2023




  • Faculty Abroad: What Do These Innocents Need to Know? 
    Hulstrand, 珍妮特2008年5月/ 6月76日这6条建议将帮助第一次和有经验的领导组织一次有意义和安全的经历,他们将和他们的学生一样享受.
  • The Faculty Role in 出国留学  Faculty Program Leaders play more than the role of professor; it is important to recognize the increased level of responsibility as well as the heightened benefits that come with leading learning abroad program.
  • Ghana Fiasco Shows Risks of Faculty-Led Study Trips
    Learn how to organize a successful learning abroad program, as well as recognize the signs when a program is not going as planned, from this case study about a 教师-led program in Ghana.

Reasons to Lead a Program Abroad

  • Attracting Faculty to Education Abroad
    教师可以通过多种方式创造和支持新的国际机会,这些机会反过来又可以为学生带来惊人的体验, 他们的部门, 和自己.

Trends in Learning Abroad Programs