A referee standing on the left and 3 students playing basketball in the rec center gym



Every person who participates in 校内的运动 is responsible for knowing, 理解, and abiding by all the information on this page.


  • 校内体育办公室:十大博彩推荐排名州立大学校内体育办公室位于学生娱乐中心
  • Center on the first floor outside of the gymnasium room 1105.
  • The 校内的运动 Office phone number is (973) 655–3345
  • 电子邮件:imsports@mail.十大博彩推荐排名.edu
  • 校内体育信息, 包括日程安排, 季后赛括号, 运动规则, 注册信息, 冠军列表, 图片, 还有事件的日历, 也可以通过登录获得 校内的运动 网站.


All participants must be at least 18 years of age or older. 以下人员是唯一有资格参加校内体育项目的人员:

  1. Currently registered 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 undergraduate student
  2. Currently registered 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 graduate student
  3. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学教职员工和校友与学生娱乐中心会员

NCAA运动员: 个人不得在与校队一起参加的同一学年参加其专业或同等体育项目. 在这一年中,任何与团队一起练习的学生都没有资格参加该校内运动或该运动的同等运动.

密歇根州立大学体育俱乐部成员: Sport Club members are eligible for participation in their equivalent sport, but are limited to two members per intramural sport team.

职业运动员: 任何从事过职业运动的个人都没有资格参加该运动或同等运动.

团队名单: Once a player plays with a team in that sport, they are permanently added to that team’s roster, 而且可能不会为其他球队效力. 在比赛现场添加名单. 在季后赛, 所有球员必须至少打过一场常规赛才有资格参加季后赛. Although participants are not limited to the number of intramural sports they can compete in, participants may not play on more than one team in a given league (Men’s, 女性的, 男女同校的, (希腊语)一种运动. They may however play on three teams in the same sport but in a different league. 弃权和违约:如果出于某种原因, your team cannot avoid forfeiting a scheduled game, 一般的礼貌要求在预定的比赛时间之前通知校内工作人员. If a team cannot make a scheduled game but calls the intramural staff by 3 p.m. 在比赛当天,它将导致违约,导致失败和降低体育精神. Games lost by forfeit or default will not be rescheduled for any reason. 同一支球队在一个赛季中两次被罚没将完全禁止该队进入季后赛.

推迟: Due to field schedule changes because of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 varsity athletics, or unsafe playing conditions such as weather concerns, games may be postponed by the 校内的运动 Office. Team representatives are responsible for checking their email and the 校内的运动 网站 or calling the 校内的运动 Office at 973-655-3345.

重新安排: League games are usually unable to be rescheduled due to time and field space constraints, 除非出现极端情况. Defaulted and forfeited games will not be rescheduled for any reason. 如果一支队伍无法完成比赛,该队伍可以在赛季开始前要求更换一次比赛. Change requests must be made to the Intramural Area Supervisor by emailing imsports@mail.十大博彩推荐排名.edu. This does not guarantee the request will be approved.

季后赛: 所有进入季后赛的球队都必须参加常规赛,不超过两次被罚, and maintain a sportsmanship rating total of a 2.5分或更好的常规赛结束. The playoffs will use regular-season records and statistics to determine seeding. The office will make every attempt to reschedule a tournament game conflict. 为了要求重新安排季后赛比赛,队长必须通过电话973-655-3345或电子邮件imsports@mail与校内工作人员联系.十大博彩推荐排名.edu. 如果比赛冲突是第一轮比赛,队长必须在发布支架后24小时内联系校内工作人员,否则必须在比赛开始前24小时通知校内工作人员. The intramural staff will contact the opposing team to confirm a change. If the opposing team is unable to reschedule, the team requesting the change of game must make an attempt to play at the scheduled time.

抗议: 仅根据裁判判断的准确性提出的抗议将不予考虑. 如果队长希望提出抗议,必须在比赛结束后立即向现场导演提交抗议表格.

体育精神评级: Each team is given a sportsmanship rating of 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 by the on-site 校内的运动 Director at the conclusion of each game. In order for a team to enter into the playoff tournament, their sportsmanship rating total must be a 2.75或以上. Sportsmanship rating is based on the following criteria:

  • 优秀的行为和体育精神:球员与官员和其他队员充分合作. 队长冷静地与官员就规则解释和判罚进行交谈,并完全控制队友和球迷.
  • 良好的行为和体育精神:球员与官员和其他队员合作良好. 队长冷静地与官员就规则解释和判罚进行交谈,并能很好地控制队友和球迷.
  • 一般的行为和体育精神:球员口头抱怨裁判的决定或表现出分歧,这可能会导致警告. Team captain has minor control over team and/or fans but has control over him/herself.
  • 行为和体育精神低于平均水平:球队在比赛场地或场边不断对官员和/或对方球队发表评论. Team captain has little or no control over teammates, fans, or him/herself. 球员弹射(s).
  • 0 Poor Conduct and Sportsmanship: Team is completely uncooperative. The team captain has no control over teammates, fans, or self. 任何导致一场比赛被取消或有多人被驱逐出场的队伍将获得0分.

个人悬挂任何被校内工作人员认为不符合校内项目和体育精神最佳利益的球员或观众都可以被停赛. 复职将等待调查和与校内和俱乐部体育协调员的会议. 任何被驱逐出游戏的玩家 自动 ineligible for the next game and, if warranted, more than one game.

  • 任何参与打架的球员都将被停赛,根据情况的严重程度,可能会被转介给学生主任. Under no circumstances will fighting be tolerated.
  • Any player exhibiting poor sportsmanship before, during, or after a competition
  • Any player who verbally or physically threatens or intimidates an intramural staff member
  • Any player or spectator who physically contacts an intramural staff member
  • Any player or spectator exhibiting wanton disregard for intramural equipment
  • Any player or spectator exhibiting wanton disregard for intramural policies
  • Any player or spectator ignoring the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s No Alcohol Policy
  • Any player or spectator violating 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 行为准则. The 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 行为准则 can be found at 行为准则

团队悬架: 任何被校内工作人员认为不符合校内项目和体育精神最佳利益的团队都可以被停赛. 复职将等待调查和与校内和俱乐部体育协调员的会议.

  • Team violating Intramural policies and/or rules
  • 球队不能控制队员、板凳人员、队长和观众的行为
  • Team failing to properly identify their players
  • Team ignoring 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s No Alcohol Policy


每支球队都保证至少参加4场常规赛和1场季后赛(如果有资格的话). . All playoff divisions will be single elimination.

  1. 所有参赛者须于比赛开始前最少15分钟到达比赛场地
    十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 ID and proper playing attire.
  2. 参加者应立即到现场校内主任或记分员处报到,交出十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的身份证,并签署豁免表格.
  3. 获得任何热身设备和道具
  4. For games where a jersey number is necessary, 在比赛开始前给校内主任或记分员这个数字是很重要的.

常规赛: 如果在常规联赛中出现平局,比赛结果将为平局.

季后赛: If a tie should occur during playoff competition, the game will go into overtime play as determined in the specific rules of each sport. The game will be played until a winner is declared.


参加校内体育项目是自愿的,这意味着个人对自己的健康和安全承担全部责任. 受伤的风险是固有的许多娱乐体育活动提供的校内体育项目. 因此, 强烈建议有意参加校内运动的个人, 为了他们自己的安全, have a physical examination to determine if they are physically able to participate, be fully aware of inherent risks involved in that sport, and have medical insurance to cover expenses incurred in the event of injury.


Any participant or spectator under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, 或者携带酒精或非法毒品参加比赛或活动的人将被驱逐出球场,并可能面临大学的司法指控. Additionally, the use of tobacco products is strictly prohibited.


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