

  • 我该如何申请??
    应用说明可以在我们的 如何申请转学 页面.
  • 我是转学生吗?
    十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 considers a transfer student one who has attempted 16 or more credits from a regionally accredited college or university after graduating high school or earning a high school diploma equivalent.
  • 我可以在申请中选择“未申报”专业吗?
    The answer depends on the number of transfer credits you are bringing with you:

YES – If you will enter 十大博彩推荐排名州立 with fewer than 45 credits, 你可以以未申报学生的身份申请.

否-如果你将以45个或更多的学分转学, you must declare a major in order 被考虑录取.

  • 我还需要参加分班考试吗?
    一般, students arriving on campus with 24 or more college-level credits are exempt from taking the Math/English placement tests. However, certain majors that require higher-level math courses may require further testing. 也, if you have not successfully completed at least one foreign language course in college and/or your only experience with a foreign language was at the high school level, you will be required to take a foreign language placement test.
  • 申请截止日期是什么时候?
    申请必须由 公布的最后期限 被考虑录取. Required materials, like official transcripts, may be received after the deadline.
  • 有转学奖学金吗??
    Montclair offers $2,000 scholarships a year for 2 years exclusively for Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会 成员. 本科招生 does not offer merit-based scholarships for incoming transfer students. However, there may be scholarships available through your major. More than 72% of students receive some sort of financial aid, so be sure to submit your FAFSA (fafsa.ed.政府)并列出十大博彩推荐排名州立大学(MSU代码2617).
  • 十大博彩推荐排名大学为转校生提供荣誉课程吗?
    是的! Eligible transfer students may join 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s Theta Xi chapter of the Tau Sigma National Honor Society after their first semester of enrollment. 你可以在我们的网站上了解更多关于Tau Sigma的信息 荣誉社团网页.
  • 我怎样才能更多地了解你们的学术项目?
    你可以浏览我们所有的 学术项目 在线.
  • 我是最近被录取的转学生. 我如何注册课程?
    Accepted transfer students may register for classes after meeting with their academic advisor.
  • 什么是2+2方案?
    十大博彩推荐排名州立’s 2+2 program is an exciting opportunity designed for community college students that guarantees admission to the 大学 for students who enroll at various community colleges and complete an associate’s degree. Learn more about the specific requirements and agreements with each of our partner institutions on our 十大博彩推荐排名州2+2网页.
  • 什么是反向转移,它是如何工作的?
    反向转让协议 allow students who have transferred to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 from a New Jersey community college to complete an associate’s degree back at their community college while currently attending the 大学.
  • The college from which I’m transferring operates on a quarter-hour system. 在这种情况下,课程如何转换?
    Students receive 2/3 of a 十大博彩推荐排名州立 credit hour for each quarter hour earned elsewhere. 这个等式不会导致转移学分的损失.
  • How will I know how many credits will transfer to 十大博彩推荐排名州立?
    在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, 我们尽最大努力确保大部分的学分转移, provided they are from a regionally-accredited college/university. 仅供参考, 基础技能课程不计入学分, 低于100级的ESL课程, 或成绩低于C-的课程.
  • 我可以转多少学分?
    If you are transferring from a regionally accredited four-year institution, we do not currently limit the number of credits you may transfer. 记住, 虽然, that you will need to complete a minimum of 30 credits at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 in order to receive a 十大博彩推荐排名州立 degree. If you are transferring from a regionally accredited two-year institution (community college) or two-year program,  you may transfer up to 60 credits towards your bachelor’s degree.
  • 我获得“P”(及格)成绩的课程有哪些?, “CR”(信用)或“S”(满意)在转让中被接受?
    一般, 成绩为“P”的课程, “CR”, 或“S”以全额信用值接受, provided they are college-level credits from your previous school.
  • Is my GPA from my previous college transferred to 十大博彩推荐排名州立?
    No, only credits are transferred from your previous college(s).
  • 我在另一所大学参加了CLEP考试. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学接受CLEP成绩吗?
    Students who earn CLEP credits through another college must submit official test scores to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 in order to receive credit. (Please note: If the CLEP credits contributed to the completion of an AA, AS, 或社区大学的AFA学位, 不需要考试成绩.) 请查阅CLEP考试等值表.
  • 高中时我修了大学先修课程. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学接受我的AP成绩吗?
    Students who took AP courses in high school must submit official test scores to 十大博彩推荐排名州立 in order to receive credit. 请查看AP考试等效度表.
  • Can I receive an evaluation of my transfer credits before I am admitted?
    由于收到了大量的转账申请, we are unable to conduct credit evaluations prior to a student being admitted. The evaluation will be completed shortly after admission and is available prior to paying a tuition deposit.
  • 十大博彩推荐排名接受D成绩吗?
    在一般情况下, no: only grades of C- or better are accepted in transfer; however there are two exceptions:

1.When a D grade is earned through an associate degree (AA, AS, or AFA) from a community college.

2.When the first grade in a two-term sequence of courses is a D and the second grade is a C- or better.

  • I am enrolled in a New Jersey community college and I am transferring to 十大博彩推荐排名州立. 有没有网站说明课程如何转学?
    是的. 访问 NJTransfer.org.
  • What is the advantage of transferring with an Associate Degree?
    Students who graduate from a community college and earn an Associate of Arts (AA), 理学副学士(AS), or Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) will have fulfilled 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s General Education requirement. 通识教育的要求将被豁免.
  • Does Montclair accept credits from the NYU Language Proficiency exam?
    是的,这些分数可以作为转学学分. All NYU Language Proficiency exam score reports must be sent directly to Rashida Batte-Bowden, 联系注册商, at batter@ycdwkj666.com 助理书记官长阿黛勒·巴西尔在 basilea@ycdwkj666.com.
  • 我不明白我的信用评估. 有人能帮帮我吗??
    我们很乐意帮忙! 请致电973-655-4444或发电子邮件与我们联系 transfermsu@ycdwkj666.com 寻求帮助.